Bringing Agile Methods to Hardware and System Design.
What Does Ullman Do?
Who is David G. Ullman?
Recent Successes
Consultation & Advisory Services
Guiding managers in modern design processes for optimal project success.
Agile Integration for Design Teams
Helping mechanical design teams adopt Agile methodologies.
Design Process
Identifying and bridging the gap between your current process and the ideal state.
On-Site and Remote
Delivering tailored training programs for engineers and managers.
Training with Measurable Results
Ensuring long-term impact with training that delivers measurable ROI.
Free Consultation
Optical Aiming Systems Manufacturer
Helped align software and mechanical teams by providing Agile training and ongoing consultation, improving their ability to bring new products to market on time.
Instrumentation Manufacturer
Assessed and trained teams on Agile/Scrum methods for developing mechatronic devices, with follow-up training at a second site.
Electric Motor Manufacturer
Improved product development for a European group by assessing and training on modern design tools over a week-long engagement.
Electronics Market Leader
Conducted interviews to address delays in new product introductions, leading to the creation of new tools and the adoption of Lean and Agile design methods.
Author of:
David G. Ullman holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University and an MS in Aerospace Systems from the University of Cincinnati. He is a Professor Emeritus in Mechanical Design at Oregon State University and a Life Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). As the founder of the ASME Design Theory and Methodology committee, he has been a key figure in advancing design processes. Ullman has also founded two companies, holds eight utility patents, and has extensive experience as a product design manager.